Thursday 19 June 2008

My How You've Grown!

It doesnt seem that long ago that I was sitting these little potatoes onto a layer of soil, covering them just so the leaves were peeking through, and watching and waiting.

We didn't have to wait long before each day required a check of flourishing leaves and stems, that seemed to grow inches on an hourly basis, covering them with more layers of soil, until the tubs could take no more.

And this is how they are today:

Tall, green, healthy, looking lush - lets hope buried beneath is a bounty of home-grown potatoes.

I have also been given some courgette plants which need a place to live - and lets hope the slug army that try to govern my garden leave them alone this year - and today received an email offering me some tomato plants. And before you ask, no, it was not some spam dodgy emailer masquerading as a bearer of tomato plants, it was my very green-fingered mother. Who grows lots of things.

1 comment:

GalleryJuana said...

Your tea time clutch bag is cute!
I never realised how pretty potato plants could look in a garden.